
delicacies lithuania 4lithuanian delicacies 2lithuanian delicacies 1lithuanian delicacies 3lithuanian sky 2

I’m in love with the tiny apples that fall down from the tree, the perfect sunset sky full of pink, orange and purple clouds, the gooseberries that go directly into my stomach instead of my plate, the colorful wooden houses and the fresh mint that I turn into tea every night before I close my eye’s. (before I go to sleep)

 I wish that I could share this feeling with you all)

A Kelcema Christmas

A Kelcema Christmas from Caleb & Shawn on Vimeo.

Thanks to the amazing Jay, I’ve just discovered the videos made by the Kelcema team. I saw this video at the perfect moment, because right now, I would give everything to escape into the wild for one day or two…


J’ai découvert à l’instant grâce au merveilleux blog de Jay, les vidéos produites par Kelcema. Moi qui ai besoin d’escapade, cela satisfait un petit peu mon envie de nature.