WIP {Praline cardigan} |De rerum natura|

praline cardigan WIP praline WIP

In my previous article I told you that I wanted to start working on a bigger project. After knitting more than half a dozen hats for the Knit twelves hats in a year challenge, my hands were eager to try something a bit more challenging (if you’re following me on instagram/ facebook, you might already have an idea of what this secret project was!).

I had queued a few beautiful projects on Ravelry, and it took me a while before deciding what to cast on. My everyday outfit is usually composed of a simple dress/ skirt and a matching cardigan. An I LOVE wearing cardigans. I litteraly cardigan everything. So when this sweet lady finished her own version of the Praline cardigan, I realized that I couldn’t take it anymore. On a very long, sleepless night, I found myself exploring Ravelry pages, seeking out THE yarn that would make this project my favourite piece to wear.

At first, i really wanted to used some Madeline Tosh Sport, but after visiting more than ten resellers within Europe, it was impossible to put my hands on a single skein. Then, I realized that Pashmira yarn weight was quite similar to the Sport one, so I started to investigate a bit further. And this time, it’s my credit card that brought me back to reason. As I always like to say, “One day”. Finally I made a research by yarn weight, and this is how I made my final choice.

If you remember, about two weeks ago, I posted an article about The Stash of my dreams, which basically was a very short list of the yarns I’d like to work with. In this list I had mentionned De Rerum Natura, Ulysse. They make the most exquisite, squishy, soft merino wool ever, and I find the prices really cheap regarding the quality of the yarn.

About one week after purchasing my precious yarn, I was able to start casting on my little cardigan. I still have a long way to go, but I’m really enjoying the process so far! If you’re interested in following this project step by step, be sure to check ou my daily updates on Ravelry and Instagram!

Ps: I’ve been listenning to several knitting podcasts lately, and I’m really fonf of the Homespun podcast. Lovely ladies.